Now to have it the same way, I would have to cook my favorite meal and the clean up that goes along with it. If I made myself a cake, let's see there is Abe, Gwen and me to eat it. Talk about being sugared out. As for presents I still enjoy those but each year is different. Some years finances aren't good so you feel guilty even receiving a present. And now that I'm past all the ages where something happens, I am just getting older and older. I remember as a kid thinking how old everyone was. My eighteen year old sisters were just right but after that you were just old and decrepit. I don't have the same view as I did then luckily otherwise I would feel like I was knocking on deaths door. But I do feel like the sands of time will not be stopped and every year I get older my body is now going to start falling apart. I've already noticed some things already that don't work the same as they use to. For example, I use to be able to eat anything with no side effects unless I ate too much. Now I get indigestion with some foods, and other sorts of symptoms which I won't mention because of embarrassment. But I'm sure some of you can guess.
Well I have to stop this rambling now because Gwen needs me and I'm sorry that this one doesn't have a point. I'm sure if given more time I would have come up with something. So it's up to you to give it a point. Try to end it on a happy note though because sad endings make me cry.