Friday, August 27, 2010

Of Mice or Men

Yesterday I had a fun time with my sister Katy. We went out to lunch and had a great time. One of the things we talked about was how she was glad she had a cat to get rid of the mice. Speaking of mice last night I had an adventure with one. I was watching a show when I look over at the furnace and catch sight of a mouse running behind it. I told my husband and he starts looking for it. Then he decides to try and catch it and he had a pretty clever plan unfortunately the mouse had moved before he could put it into play. He looks around for it some more but it seems it had disappeared. Meanwhile I am on a couch keeping my feet off the floor. Maybe I'm scared of mice but I just say it's because I don't want it running over my feet. So I go back to watching my show. A little while later I see it run into the kitchen. Abe grabs the stuff to catch it meanwhile it was about to escape so I threw something in front of it to scare it backwards a little. I actually ended up hitting it but it worked just the same. We finally get it trapped into a corner and almost got it caught but it managed to escape and run under our fridge. By this time its bedtime so my husband blocks off a path to our bedrooms and we go to bed. That's the last that we saw of it. I hope it's smart enough to leave the house. Oh the joys of owning a house. It almost makes me want to get a cat, but not quite.


Sam Nielson said...

It's always a little freaky to see a mouse in your house, especially late at night when the lights are low. You'd think they'd be cute because they're so small and furry, but in those conditions they look like big, fast spiders or something.

Katy Froyd said...

My first mouse in our house was on the kitchen counter hiding under one of our appliances. I was doing the dishes and moved the appliance to wash underneath and the mouse came streaking out straight at me shooting out into the air. If it hadn't freaked me out so bad I probably could have caught it. Like Sam said I thought it was a big fast spider or something. By the time I had figured out what it was it had disappeared behind the fridge. Believe me, this was enough for me to get our cat. But then I like cats in the first place.