Saturday, July 31, 2010

Potty Training trauma

So I thought I was pretty much done with potty training but it turns out that Gwen has reverted. I feel like I have to start over or something. I'm almost tempted to just put her back in diapers and call it quits, next time she can potty train herself. I would rave on about how upset I am about this but I'm sure that no one wants to read about it, so I'll change the subject.
I just got back from a trip visiting my family. It was a lot of fun. It was very relaxing. The next fun thing I have planned other than my 5th year anniversary is Education Week. I am really looking forward to it. Hopefully I'll come back from it uplifted and ready to handle life again. So I should have a lot of fun in a few weeks. If things go according to plan I'll also be taking some classes this fall. So we'll see how it goes.


Mellissa said...

Don't give up on the potty training! The trip up north, although relaxing for you, was a change in pace for Gwen, and most kids suffer setbacks concerning potty training where there is a change in their schedule. She'll get there, she really will.

Have fun with classes in the fall. I'm slightly jealous, but then again, I'll have a clean house! What is Education Week?

Marilyn said...

Aaargh! How frustrating!! It's okay, you can rave on about it if you want. Sometimes that helps. :) I hope things turn around again for Gwen soon!

We always think of you guys on the 13th. :) I hope you have some fun plans. And have fun at Education week!

jane said...

Education Week is at BYU, they offer a whole bunch of classes that are either gospel oriented or are helpful in other areas of life. They have a devotional that has one of the apostles will speak at. It's a great way to be uplifted and motivated to continue on in life.

therobinsons said...

Don't give up! I didn't think anything would work for my daughter until a friend recommended "The Potty Boot Camp" by Suzanne Riffel. It worked wonders on my daughter. Goodluck!

Jim said...

I'm excited that you're going to education week this year. Even though you were just up here I can't wait for you to come back. It'll be a party.