Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dying of Boredom and Depression

This is one of those nights that the only thing to make me feel better is make a big batch of cookies. My husband is trying to make up for lost money by working two jobs. He doesn't go in very often for the second one but when he does I feel lonely. It doesn't help that I keep forgetting when he is going in so it's a total surprise to me when he never shows up for the dinner I made him. Well it was a delicious dinner without him. I decided to experiment with curry. The recipes I've made before all came from a recipe. This time I just took a few ingredients from around the house and put them together. Sometimes it's a little scary doing this but it turned out well. The only thing that could have improved it was more curry.
Now just to make you all jealous I'm going to tell you what I'm putting in my cookies. Other than chocolate chips I have nuts and coconut. If I get really crazy I may start putting in stuff like broken up candy bars. But I may not do that since I already experimented with dinner. Wish you were all here to share them with me.


Admiral Lily said...

Mmmmm. That does sound tasty. Especially the chocolate chips. I'm on a chocolate fast and haven't had chocolate in 9 months.

Mom Hunt said...

Sounds good you will have to experiment and let me try it. Cookies sound good, too. I cooked some that Tonia gave me from a box.

Mellissa said...

Those cookies do sound good! I've never had anything with curry in it, but I'm sure it was tasty.

Marilyn said...

:( Poor Jane. I hate nights when Sam has to work late. Cookies were a good idea, though---I hope they were yummy!