Sunday, September 5, 2010

Spoiled Spoiled

I have been so spoiled lately. My husband and I recently went to another play. It was called Crazy For You. It pretty much was a bunch of Gershwin songs turned into a musical. So I was familiar with some of them. And it very much reminded me of an old movie. The costumes were great and very elaborate in some instances. It was at the Tuacahn, which is an outdoor theater. They even had fireworks at the end. We quite enjoyed it. All except one song that is but I won't go into detail. It was a fun date that we had together. I really love going to plays. There is just something about them that is magical to me. Besides it all reminds me of the plays I used to be in. I am glad Abe has the job he does because it allows us to get tickets really cheap. We are going to another one this month so I'll be posting another blog soon. Also for all you out there that haven't seen me in awhile, I got my hair cut short. I will try and post a picture of it so you can see what it looks like. But until then try and be patient.

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