Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Rambling on and on

Time can sometimes fly by, these last couple of weeks seemed that way. Even though not much happened in that time. I got to go to a meeting where they try and recruit you to sell their stuff and set up other people under you as a pyramid. That way supposedly you will continue to get money. I thought about it for a little while but those types of things are not for me. I'm not really a people person. If I was I probably wouldn't be using a blog to get out all the random thoughts I have. Besides all the people I know are relatively poor. 
I've done really well with the exercising. I've exercised every day except Sunday for 30 min. I probably should exercise for longer but I need to work up to it since my body is not use to it yet. So hopefully I'll start to see results. I've also tried to be better at making dinner every night. The hardest part about that is thinking of what to make. So if anyone has ideas let me know. I really should try and make a list of things we could eat. 
I always thought that girls were bigger talkers than boys but it doesn't seem to be the case with my Gwen. She mostly tries to communicate with body languages and grunts even though she knows words. Every once and a while she'll use a word here or there. Then she has her favorite sayings like "Where'd it go?", "What are you doing?", "Let's go, Come on." "Sit down." and my favorite "Ow, sorry".  I know she knows a lot of words and could probably put together more phrases but she just isn't interested. And she doesn't do things she's not interested in. Very stubborn and determined. But she does get cuter everyday. Now she knows how to get into the refrigerator and pull out what she wants. I'll have to keep an eye on that so she doesn't leave it open and spoil all the food. 
(switch topic)
I think that the ward we are in has problems with keeping records. Abe is no longer on his role for elder's quorum. Me and my sisters birthday aren't listed with the other birthday's for January. They think Gwen's birthday is in March. My visiting teaching people have a hard time getting a hold of me because my phone number is not listed. And anyone who tries to get a hold of Abe has my number instead of his. (I hope you understand that all this information was written down and given to the ward authorities previously.) My sister Pam and her husband were just called at Sunbeam teachers and told they would only have 7-8 kids. They ended up with 20. Whoops. At least things are kept lively.
I've convinced Abe to give me an allowance so I can save up and not have to ask for money when I want to buy him a present for Christmas or birthdays. I might also start buying a book a month to continue to build my library. This also gives me things to read on a regular basis. 

1 comment:

Mellissa said...

And I thought my ward was unorganized! Good grief. I can't even imagine 20 sunbeams!

Good job on the exercising. I'm such a slacker. The only reason I've lost any weight is because with my schedule this semester I usually have string cheese and carrots for lunch.

If you want I could email you some of my favorite dinners. It always helps me to have some new recipes on hand.