Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Night-time ramblings

I really should be in bed right now but my mind is going a mile a minute and I want to keep talking to my husband. He really needs the sleep so I thought I would get rid of my random thoughts onto to here instead. So if I jump around that is the reason. At least I won't have to worry about keeping anyone up.
First off I wanted to relate a story about my daughter. The other day we were all planning on going somewhere and Gwen gets really excited and has to bring everyone their shoes to hurry things along. She was bringing me mine when I was heading into the other room for a minute. So she brings them to Abe instead. He was trying to finish up the level on the game his was playing while Gwen tries to shove them onto his feet. He then tells her to bring them to mommy and then returns to the game. A few minutes later I return and try to find my shoes. They have disappeared. We look around but seriously it was like a black hole had swallowed them up. Where had Gwen put them? I finally grab some other shoes and we go. I wasn't too worried because I was sure they would turn up eventually. A couple days pass and there is still no sign of them. But today while I was looking for a Gwen's sippy cup full of grape juice that she had stashed somewhere I found them.  They were behind our TV. The funny thing is that place is her personal hiding spot and the first place I should have looked. I didn't think they would fit behind there. But there they were and as I pull them out underneath I see two of her missing binkies. I really should get her off those things. She loses them all the time. The good news was some missing items were found the bad news was I still couldn't find her sippy cup.  I could just picture it dripping grape juice slowly onto my carpet and staining it forever. But this story has a happy ending because Abe found the cup in her box of diapers (which happens to be another favorite hiding place for her). 
Well I hope that story made since because it is getting late and I don't proof read. That was quite a mouthful or a typeful well whatever. I think I finally purged my need to talk so I am now going to go to bed. Goodnight world.


Mom Hunt said...

Thanks again. I understood every bit and got a chuckle.

Admiral Lily said...

That is hilarous. She sounds like a precocious little one. I hope to meet her soon and see you again. :D

Mellissa said...

I love that she has hiding spots! I'm just glad the cup didn't have milk in it. I would rather deal with a grape juice stain on my carpet than sour milk. Yuck. I'm so glad you started a blog and I'm excited to keep in touch better.

Julie Hunt said...

Too funny!

Marilyn said...

One time Seb lost his shoe outside somewhere, and we looked for it over a week and never found them. Then a long time later, he came inside one day holding his shoe. I never did find out where it had been. Kids are good hiders!!